Friday, July 01, 2011

The Bungenäs Project

A really cool architectrual project on the peninsula of Bungenäs on the island of Gotland. Check out the project page or download Gestaltningsprogram and Detaljplaneförslag

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Skälsö Arkitekter, Architects on Gotland

Check out the Responsive site for Skälsö Arkitekter (Gotland Sweden). Don't miss their fantastic projekt on the peninsula of Bungenäs. The peninsula east of Fårösund is surrounded by sea on three sides, from northeast to southwest. Now Skälsö Arkitekter has a unique detailed plan for a new Bungenäs: 152 lots with discrete buildings, carefully tailored to both nature and culture. The peninsula will remain a pedestrian area, open for all to discover on foot or by bicycle.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sites by figur8

A list of older sites made by figur8

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Magnus Palmborg new Content Licensing partner at Music Super Circus

Music licensing is the licensed use of copyrighted music. Music licensing is intended to ensure that the creators of musical works get paid for their work. A purchaser of recorded music owns the media on which the music is stored, not the music itself. A purchaser has limited rights to use and reproduce the recorded work.


The following words and phrases appear in discussion of music licensing:

the right, granted by the copyright holder, for a given person or entity to broadcast, recreate, perform, or listen to a recorded copy of a copyrighted work

the owner of the licensed work

the person or entity to whom the work is licensed

for the purposes of this article, the live performance of a musical piece, regardless of whether it's performed by the original artist or in the manner it is best known

the replaying of pre-recorded works to multiple listeners through various media or in a 'semi-live' setting such as a bar or bookstore, and including radio, TV, webcasting, podcasting, etc. (Note: Using this definition and the previous one, you find the information that leads to phrases like 'live broadcast performance'.)

performing rights organization
large companies, the best-known of whom are ASCAP, BMI, and to a lesser extent SESAC (there are others as well) whose fundamental job it is to keep track of every single performance or broadcast of all works protected under copyright. A more in-depth analysis of how these organizations work will be threaded throughout the body of this article

pre-cleared music
music that has been pre-negotiated for price, distribution and legal use, generally through licensing for film, video, television (commercials and programs), Internet, events, video games and multimedia productions.

literally, 'the right to copy.' Prior to 1886, no effective international law of copyright existed. The first major international copyright law conventions were the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works created in 1886. It is not within the scope of this document to examine the various changes, additions, and ancillary agreements to the Berne Convention.

synchronization licensing
the licensing of musical works to be synchronized with moving pictures as background in a motion picture, television program, video, DVD, etc.
master use licensing
the licensing of the recording of a musical work to be performed as a soundtrack, bumper, lead-in or background to a motion picture.

for the purposes of copyright, a publisher is the owner of the copyrighted work. It is now standard practice for songwriters of even the slightest prominence to form a 'publishing company' who actually owns the rights to their work; the reasons for this are matters of legal finery and largely not of value to the scope of this article. This phrasing is reflective of the state of media at the time of the Berne Convention, when all music distribution was done on paper as sheet music (or player piano rolls).

Contact: Magnus Palmborg of Music Supervision company music super circus

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fredrik Davidssons portfolio sajt

Check out Director Fredrik Davidssons new site

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bloggar om Andra Avenyn

Och Hamza är tillbaka

Den 13 januari är serien tillbaka igen, då med ett 45 minutersavsnitt i veckan - tisdagar kl 21.00 i SVT1 och tisdag morgon i SVT Play. Då fortsätter intrigerna på Riverside där Dennis (Göran Parkrud) har dåligt samvete för att han börjat åtrå Lotta (Gunilla Johansson) som ju är en gift kvinna. Tony (Stefan Gödicke) skrivs ut från sjukhuset men börjar oroa sig allt mer för Kitty (Johanna Lazcano) som inte hört av sig. Ulla söker upp Greger (Rasmus Troedsson) i vredesmod och skämmer ut sig. Rasmus (Bill Hugg) hittar henne berusad och utslagen hemma hos Sigrid (Sara Nygren) och börjar tröttna på hennes beteende. Och Roxana (Fortesa Hoti) beslutar sig för att hitta Silvias biologiska far.

UG avslöjar något som faktiskt är viktigt Uppdrag Granskning hoppar inte bara på hundorganistationer och AP fonder! Ibland skriver de om något viktigt också!

Polisen avlossade över 30 skott rakt in i ett villaområde i Luleå förra året.
Nu kan Uppdrag granskning avslöja att en av polismännen som deltog vid insatsen varken var i tjänst - eller nykter.

Ica ica ica

Men det här är ju en aktiv handling, inte ett misstag?
- Ja. Vi kan ha gjort fel, det beklagar jag i såna fall. Det är inget jag känner till, säger Mikael Andersson i Haninge. Men en timme efter intervju ringer han upp och berättar hur han nu hittat "den person" i personalen som brutit mot regelverket och märkt om köttfärsen. Han berättar också att "felet" är åtgärdat och att man skall sluta mala köttfärs i butiken.

- Det där känner jag inte igen, det är inte min butik. Era filmer bevisar inget säger Jonas Berg i Södertälje. Han är den enda av de fyra handlarna som vidhåller att de inte begått något fel.

Läs mer på deva om köttfusket

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